Student Trustee: Leaving behind a Legacy of Leadership

William CP Spencer

Feb 17, 2023 

This article was produced in collaboration with Stephanie McClaskey.

 Illinois Central College (ICC) provides endless opportunities to their students to gain hands- on experience in their field of study. Among them is the Student Government Association (SGA), which provides leadership training and extensive problem solving skills to its participants. Whether the student is interested in politics or just looking to become more involved in campus life. The highest level of respect and responsibility within the SGA is acting Student Trustee. What is a student trustee you ask? 

According to Cassie Keller, current Student Trustee, it’s about leadership, communication and dedication to the student body and its needs here at ICC. Keller began her journey to leadership at ICC in her freshman year when she began as Senate of the Student Government Association (SGA)  then she quickly took on the responsibility of filling the Secretary seat and now sits on the highest level of counsel at ICC, as Student Trustee.

The role of Student Trustee includes a variety of responsibilities. The most important aspect of Keller’s responsibilities is listening to the concerns of the student body and relaying those concerns to the Board of Trustees (BOT) with hopes of invoking a change of mutual satisfaction.

 “Finding a voice for others that may not have that[voice], and being able to provide them with the resources they need, but don’t know how to access,”  said Keller.

Keller’s role as Student Trustee is very important to the student body at ICC.  Student Trustee is about practicing extensive communication with students and members of  the BOT. Student Trustee is also a vital role within SGA. Many of the tasks put into execution by SGA must first be cleared through the Student Trustee.

The Student Trustee is responsible for providing information to SGAabout the BOT meetings and expectations. With the student government needing a voice for the student body electorate, the Student Trustee embodies that voice. 

Keller states,”It’s such an important role to be able to provide the voice for all of the students.”

SGA will soon be holding elections to fill the position of Student Trustee, as well as many others, as Keller and many of her colleagues at SGA are set to graduate in May. Keller leaves a word of wisdom for the next to fill the Student Trustee role that the position is about being open-minded and available, and went on to reiterate the importance of being the voice of the whole student body at ICC. 

“Just trying to open yourself to how many different types of people there are on campus and learning all the different views, and not just the people you kind of hang out with and are in organizations with, because those are the people who may need the resources more than the people you are around,” said Keller.

Keller expresses a few key points she is seeking in her successor.  It’s not just about finding a leader who may thrive in the position but who might have the most growth in the position of Student Trustee.

”Being in a leadership role is not just about becoming a better leader yourself, but also investing in the future leaders and finding your replacement as a leader.”

If you are interested in becoming involved in SGA or running for a leadership position you are encouraged to contact Abbie Alsene at Student Life at (309) 694-5201, to have your name included on the ballot. All students can vote or run for Student Trustee in the Spring semester’s upcoming student elections this March. Voting begins for all positions within SGA on the ICC website, polls open at 8 a.m., on Wednesday, March 29, 2023, and will remain open through 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, March 30. Voting will take place in the Atrium on the East Peoria Campus from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the forementioned dates. All registered students at ICC, full time, or part time, are eligible to vote in the campus-wide election for student trustee. 

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