Sitting Down to Get Louder: Let Your Voice Be Heard

Dear reader, there’s going to be an election on campus really soon, in less than a month.

On Mar. 6 and 7 the students of ICC will elect the Illinois Central College student trustee for 2013-2014 school year to represent the actions and opinions of all us.

It probably doesn’t matter though, right?

Yeah, wrong.

A lot of times I hear students around campus making snide remarks about how ICC is a “fake college” or about how they can’t wait to move on to their “real college.”

Oh, that drives nails into my skin.

A very unique thing about attending a community college like ICC is we all have a voice. Each and every one of us that chooses to voice his or her opinion can be heard in one manner or another. Whether or not we choose to be heard or not is another thing entirely.

There is this thing called the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees who make all of the big decisions around here. They hold almost monthly meetings to discuss matters such as school purchases, new hires, fires and retires and examine the integrity of the school as a whole.

A very important member of that board is one of us – a student! That student’s job is to sit on the board as a representative of how we, the students of ICC, are doing as a mass population. They cast a vote on all official ICC business and are given the opportunity to voice concerns and to suggest resolutions for our college.

For you, dear reader, that means this person is directly affecting the environment in which you will be learning and living during your time at ICC. This is your future. This is your chance to be heard by the people that have the power to make change happen.

The student trustee is given an office on campus so that they are available to any student who has a voice to be heard.

The time has come to decide the student trustee for the 2013-2014 school year, and since the trustee will be representing us, we are the only ones who get a vote.

According to Abbie Alsene, manager of ICC’s student activities, only about 100 students voted for their choice in student trustee last year. Out of 12,000 students who attend three campuses and come from 10 counties, that is pitiful. This year let’s improve this number! There are four candidates which means every vote counts. Take the time to read the profiles of the candidates, look for them on campus and see who’s opinions on student life at ICC match yours.

If you’ve sat back and thought to yourself that ICC is boring for the last however many months or years you have been here, this is your chance to change the things that bother you.

Vote for student trustee. Take the five minutes to let your voice be heard, because that’s what “real college” is all about.

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