Read Harbinger’s New Retro-Style Print Edition!

A lot happened on campus last semester! From a videogame concert to a jamboree, our newest print edition, “Y2K and Beyond”, covers Harbinger Student Media’s best stories from last semester!
It features nine stories out of the 34 published on our website last semester. It covers various topics that we HSM staff consider our favorites.
Brennan Tuma, an award-winning graphic designer and former Harbinger Student Media staff member, designed it. He won an honorable mention at the Illinois Community College Journalism Association for last semester’s print edition, “Blast to the Past”, which was in the theme of a classic newspaper.

You can read more about his award and the five other Harbinger Student Media awards won last semester in “Y2K and Beyond”.
Keeping in the tradition of returning to aesthetics of the past, he wanted the style to be reflective of the 2000s decade’s culture. However, unlike last semester’s uniform newspaper look, each page of “Y2K and Beyond” is unique with a different theme.
For example, the page for “ICC and Bradley Students Perform Video Game Music Favorites for the Public” has a Wii theme with a “New Super Harbinger News” logo, imitating the style of the hit 2006 DS game “New Super Mario Bros.”.

Another has the famous “iPod ad silhouette” featured in the page for the story “Illinois Central College Hosts the LGBTQ Legacy Wall on Campus”.

One of the more unique stories in the publication is an episode summary of the new “Mind the Gap” podcast hosted by Grace Parker and produced by Grace Zeithammer, which released six episodes last semester. The episode picked out for the print publication was their Halloween special, with the page characteristically in a Halloween theme.

More episodes are planning to be released this year, and you can follow the podcast’s Spotify here.
The Harbinger Student Media team is looking forward to another semester of stories, podcasts, and YouTube videos! We hope you enjoy and learn from our work!
If you would like to pick one up for yourself, copies are available for free all over the ICC Academic Building, and we even have a stand in the AIT building front lobby. If you would still like a copy of “Blast to the Past”, some are still available on the bottom of the stands.