March Launches a New Topic On Self-Care Tips&Tools Podcast

Stephanie McClaskey

March 10, 2022

Harbinger Student Media releases a new Self-Care Tips&Tools Podcast each week. These podcasts are broken down into monthly topics each relating to a specific area of focus to improve overall wellbeing. The topic for March is decluttering to reduce stress. The first of that series was released this week. 

What exactly is decluttering? The Oxford Dictionary defines decluttering as the action of removing unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded space. Clutter may mean different things to different people leading to opposing opinions regarding the need to declutter. 

Have you ever heard the saying “clutter leads to creativity”? According to a study featured by the American Psychological Association, clutter helps to produce new and creative ideas. While clutter can promote creativity, it can also harm one’s ability to relax if one does not practice boundaries and balance. 

Allowing organized clutter is appropriate for a space intended for creative work, but keeping clear boundaries on this is essential. Numerous studies show that clutter has been proven to lead to stress and restlessness when it overflows into the space intending for rest or focus. These studies show that having balance and boundaries can help to keep the creative juices flowing without interfering with the other areas of life. 

The Self-Care Tips&Tools Podcast suggests that having designated spaces that contrast the type of work environment one has will help add more balance and improve that individual’s overall sense of wellbeing. For example, suppose you work in a creative environment, you will want to have an organized general living space to help you relax and decompress after work and vice versa if you work in a structured environment. 

Finding balance in creativity versus structure has found a whole new set of challenges since the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced many people to perform their jobs from home. Many have joked about working from bed or spending their workdays in pajamas, but this loss of clear boundaries for workspace versus home space has caused many people to be in constant work mode even after the workday is over.

To learn more about how decluttering can add balance and improve overall wellbeing check out the full audio available here. If you like the content please like and subscribe to be notified of the release of new content. 

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