Ist Images of a Black Hole

Story by David Prim
April 9th, 2019 – The National Science Foundation (NSF), announced the first photos of a black hole were now available for public viewing. A panel representing the NSF held a press conference to share the discovery with the world. These members were Sera Markoff, Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Amsterdam, Shep Doeleman, FHT Director, Center for Astrophysics at Harvard and Smithsonian, Dan Marrone, Associate Professor of Astronomy at the University of Arizona, among others.

Thanks to P&K Space Imaging who have a YouTube channel (under the same name), provide professional astronomical data and planetary scientific observations. And for making these photos public in the history making event.

Radio telescopes from around the world were arranged as a planet size telescope to capture the image using infrared technology. Scientists could shoot lasers into space to measure distances and this collaborate effort now gives us an environment to research the structure and effects on Earth further.

Just to compare how just close to home this reality is for our solar system, as a super massive black hole at the center of our galaxy that gives it the spiral, finger shape, which the Milky Way has. It was just in the past decade that we have even discovered our galaxy is 30% larger than once thought.
To learn more about this historical event for science and Humankind, visit: