ICC’s First Line Against Hunger
By Barb Williams, 4/23/19
“Sometimes life is hard and life is harder for some people than others,” a nurse I worked with often said.
Students are people and sometimes life is hard for students too. When life gets hard, ICC has resources. One of those resources is the ICC Food Pantry.
Relocated from its location last year, the pantry resides in a small room near the East entrance, closest to the Circle Drive, near the CityLink bus stop. In its more visible location here on the main/second floor, its usage has increased significantly over that of its former, less visible location.
Organized and supervised by sophomore pre-law student Aaron Albright, the pantry is otherwise staffed by student volunteers and is stocked with donated goods that vary from week to week. As needs ebb and flow, so do donations–anything from frozen pizzas and canned or bottled soda to frozen meats, canned vegetables, and soups, from staples to cosmetics, vitamins, food supplements, and self-care products. Milk is often, but not always, available, usually in individual-sized 6-oz. cartons.
Hours are 12 PM-2 PM on Mondays & Wednesdays and 12 PM-1 PM on Tuesdays & Fridays. Currently, the pantry is closed on Thursdays, and occasionally there are unscheduled closings.
Card-carrying ICC students are allowed up to 2 visits per week, depending on need, and are allowed a total of 2 standard plastic grocery bags of food and supplies per week. Donations of both food and grocery bags may be made through the Counseling Center on the 2nd floor.