Divided We Fall…
Editorial by David Prim
Divided We Fall – The Constitution of the United States is one of the oldest constitutions in the world. The Bill of Rights addresses primary issues, but the main issue is the reservation of non-federal government powers with regards to U.S. citizenry. So, if certain Americans are knowledgeable with the laws and rights of our own sovereignty, then we have a duty to other citizens to inform those who do not. And in times of uncertainty, the only beginning course of action is to invoke an intellectual dialogue.
Let us first understand the 10th Amendment which lays out the reservation of state and people powers. This was intended to make the Constitution a living document. Though the idea of subsequent inclusion to the Constitution was argued against, the ratification symbolized people’s power to change and re-address their rights as and when necessary. It stood for the adoption of a system that accommodated security of liberty and individual rights. It was designed to guard U.S. citizens against the abuse of basic rights granted by the Constitution.
The reality of human flaw has emerged in American leadership for decades. And knowledge of the Constitution and its purpose have been swept under the rug by those exploiting the freedoms of American citizens, just to eliminate the origins of sovereignty in our nation. We had started this nation escaping tyrannical forms of governing. And was founded on Christian values with God’s laws and promises which was a cornerstone of the framework set forth by our founding fathers.
America was already built on the scars of those who inhabited our land in the beginning, and now it seems it has come full circle with the new frontier we face that has our origins of sovereignty under attack. This was evident when the 28th amendment was proposed holding Congress to the same legal standard as citizens. There was obviously is an issue for this to be considered.

For the most part, new and old members of Congress do not have a Ph.D. or would be qualified to represent and protect those constituents he or she represents. Most all have a 4 year degree. This is unacceptable.
We must call for a higher standard in requiring a graduate status for American level leadership. That is my call to action.