CBDs & THC: Benefits Beyond the High

By Allison Salinas, 4/20/19 4:20 PM

In recent years, we’ve seen the United States public become more receptive to the benefits provided by medical marijuana and slowly overcome the stigmatization of the past. Although many remain dissuaded, supporters of a well-regulated weed industry have been happy to shine a positive light on the benefits of CBDs and THC. In addition to providing comfort for patients undergoing treatment for inflammation, migraines, and PTSD, they have been known to provide a variety of benefits for a range of ailments such as anxiety. In this article, I will fill you in on all of the wonderful ways to enjoy a pain-free and ailment-free lifestyle​.

Cannabidiol and Tetrahydrocannabinol, also known as CBD and THC, have major benefits for humankind but more importantly college students due to the retention and studying habits. When a student studies, they use their hippocampus for learning new information and when THC enters the hippocampus, it goes into the protection and recovery mode. This means that THC helps recover information quicker than without it and protects the brain from losing vital information.

The misconception with THC is that it makes you sluggish and slower with memory aid. This is simply not true. It has been proven time after time, for decades that THC and CBD’s work well together to accomplish this important factor. The chemical in THC interacts with the receptors on brain cells called cannabinoid receptors and help with things like PTSD, and Chronic pain as well. Depression is also another key factor that THC and CBD’s help with. When you as a student are going through depression or PTSD, it plays a heavy role on your brain connection and how you function mentally. With THC and CBD, it restores those lacking connections. This also works well with ADD/ADHD, which is Attention Deficit and Attention Deficit with hyperactivity. It’s almost like a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit together because there are gaps in your frontal lobe. Without it, the gaps remain there with nothing trying to repair them With it, there can be a repair process. 

More than a burning bush: CBD and THC come in many different forms, including convenient pill capsules (Photo by Vaping360)

Although there are many viable things that THC and CBD help, you have to also be proactive in how you consume it. Precautions can be taken such as staying home while medicating, and not over consuming just for the “high” factor. Other medical benefits are Cancers of multiple sorts and Seizures as well as being a deterrent to drug addiction. THC is not a gateway drug but rather an exit drug that gets you off of pain pills and many other pharmaceutical drugs that have severe side effects that actually cause other issues. ​Although this is an important topic, I encourage you to do your own research and do some fact checking into these benefits for your brain!

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