One Illinois Central College student brought his talents to the Peoria community this week, entertaining fellow ICC students and the public alike. Henry Voss performed at the local bar Red… Continue reading "ICC student brings music to the community"
Passing it Along Emily Baffa Oct 27, 2022 “Virtually everything we are has been taught or provided for us by others. Perhaps our own significance can be measured by what… Continue reading "Beyond the Sculptures"
Inaya Parker Oct 19, 2022 Illinois Central College (ICC) Campus Activities Board (C.A.B.) is helping students shift into the spooky season with activities throughout the month. Wednesday, October 12, C.A.B.… Continue reading "C.A.B. Hosts a Haunted Movie Night"
Tribute Emily Baffa Oct 7, 2022 “Tribute,” a piece on the wall outside the main academic building, was created by Marlene Miller, a former art professor and Washington local. The… Continue reading "Beyond the Sculptures"
Emily Baffa Sept 22, 2022 Illinois Central College (ICC) displays an impressive collection of art, many of which are part of the Percent for Art program. Jennifer Costa, an art… Continue reading "Beyond the Sculptures"
Stephanie McClaskey Sept 10, 2022 Friday, September 2, 2022, Harbinger Student Media’s self-care podcast took its next stop in the Self-Care Tips&Tools Tour. An art show, Mental Escape, was spotlighted… Continue reading "Self-Care Tips&Tools Tour Presents Art Healthy"