Virtual Reality Comes to Campus

A student battles space pirates. / PHOTO: Wil Baker

September 19th, 2018 – Have you ever wanted to travel the globe, or use the sky as a canvas, or fight space aliens? Well, this past Wednesday (the 12th) was a chance to do all of these, plus more, thanks to Cutting Edge Productions. They stopped by ICC, East Peoria Campus, to demonstrate and allow students and faculty to participate in these exciting experiences.

Robert Tower from CEP Inc., who has been with the company for 16 years, shared with me about how CEP has games for entertainment and how they educate on health and wellness in virtual reality. Tower listed games such as Zipline, Bongo Ball, and Future Cast. Tower also expounded on how CEP visits “safety week” with schools, the military, and the police force to demonstrate a simulation of the risk of texting and driving.

Many students came and filled the rooms behind the black curtains. Just by passing by, you could hear the grunts and giggles from different gamers. I, too, joined in the festivities by playing Space Pirates, but sorely lost by being shot too many times. By Wil Baker | VIDEO BELOW

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