The Cougar Returns to Campus
By Andrew Greenway, 10/1/19
After a long hiatus, Illinois Central College’s finest (and only) superhero has returned to the front page of Harbinger Student Media. The Cougar is here.
For the unfamiliar, the Cougar was made by Professor Michael Vadis who acts as illustrator and writer in collaboration with background artist Halliah Offutt.
Originally created in Fall 2018, the Cougar has become a regular facet of Harbinger print publications and was featured prominently in our Spring 2019 Edition. Following his defeat of Sloth and Cheergirl in his first outing, the Cougar returns to tame Wrath, a troubled student with an alter-ego that utilizes the heavy shadows of Vadis’ art style well.

To keep up with the Cougar and other HSM original creations, follow us on Facebook and Twitter.