Students Take Action: New Senators Elected to SGA

Students have finished their campaign for senator elections for SGA (Student Government Association) and are now awaiting their first meeting. Now they can finally help make ICC a better place.

This week, students had the opportunity to vote for their favorite candidates or submit a write-in. Five candidates were elected: Esther David, Kahlena Hart, Brooklin Heeren, Dylan Mabrey, and Arjunay Hill; student Omar Sarhan was also elected as a write-in. 

The candidates began their campaigns at the beginning of the week where they held tables to engage with students. One of the candidates, Brooklin Heeren, even made her own informational sheets that were spread around campus. 

Senators elected into office will attend SGA meetings as a representative of the student body. These senators will have the opportunity to bring concerns to department heads and administrators on behalf of the student body. 

One of the candidates, Hill, wrote on the student election website that she had an interest in specifically representing the needs of students living on campus. In an interview with Omar Sarhan, who currently works as a library assistant, he stated that he is also involved with campus housing.

When asked what goals he had for himself in joining SGA, he stated, “It’s not about what I want to do, it’s all about the people and what they want.” He continued, “I work at the library and I love talking to the students and seeing what they want.” 

Student Benjamin Tate shared some insight about how students feel about student government. 

“It’s really hard to feel interested in it.” He then clarified, “It’s really hard, at least for me, to feel a difference in what they do. I don’t know what is impacted and what isn’t.” 

Another student, Logan Cox, stated that he believed that student government is important and had seen that the senator elections had been occurring. However he did have some criticism of the student government,

 “I think they should try to make the student government more well-known. Without really looking at it, you’re not going to know who the candidates are. Maybe a poster board somewhere around campus telling you who your president is, who your senators are, things like that.” 

The current members of SGA include Emily Bandy as secretary, Keiton Hamilton as vice president, Leon Belmont as student trustee, and Sophia Larimore as president. 

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