Student Entrepreneur Shares ICC Journey and Life Experiences

Every morning, Illinois Central College sophomore, Al Cuizon Jr., said he awakens at 4 a.m. to start his day of exercise, studies, student extracurricular activities, community commitments, and martial arts. He stated that his motto is “Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.” He reported that he is doing much today that will prepare him for tomorrow. He stated that he is the president of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, the student government vice-president, and the statewide president of communication and vice-president of the Illinois Central College of the Future Business Leaders of America.
He is employed by Illinois Central College as a student ambassador, and he said he is also the founder and CEO of CuiCommerce (a marketing and advertising agency).
His teacher, Elizabeth Godinez, stated that “Al Cuizon Jr.’s academic endeavors speak volumes about his dedication to excellence, with his Phi Theta Kappa involvement further highlighting his commitment to scholarly pursuits.” Cuizon also stated that, “It’s not about how, but why.” He credited his why to his personal drive, to not limiting himself in anything, and lastly, his ability to empathize with others.
At Richwoods High School he was part of the Marine’s R.O.T.C. program. There, Cuizon stated that he grew, but also helped many other participants grow during the program. He offered that the world would be a better place if people realized and were confident that there were no “limitations for them.”.
As a political science major, Cuizon said that he is waiting to receive acceptance letters from universities where he applied. He stated that a couple of the schools he applied to were Harvard and Princeton Universities. He stated that he also would like to attend law school and ultimately work as an international diplomat. He said that “Integrity is a big part of character.” and that will assist him in life.
Another endeavor that he said develops his character is his practice of karate and Filipino boxing. He said that he is currently a second-degree brown belt training for his black belt. Cuizon’s mother, Arnulcita Cuizon said that Cuizon was bullied in primary, middle, and high school. She said that caused him to become motivated and he used those “experiences” as “positive input”.
When asked about his family, Cuizon described his mother as the most influential person in his life. Cuizon said that both his mother and father were supportive, and they had high expectations of him due to their Filipino background. Cuizon stated he is a first-generation American by birth. He explained that his culture is “Positively a guideline for how to live life.”
Family still plays a large current role in his life. He stated that his sister is “The light within everything I do.” He said that her birth when he was five years old, was the best day of his life. He said that she is still “Why I do what I do”.
Most twenty-year-olds do not sit on a non-profit board of directors. However, Cuizon said that he was recruited to sit and currently serves on the board of directors for the Peoria non-profit Elite Community Outreach. The agency assists kids who are academically challenged to increase their grade point average. Cuizon said that he also is a youth member to the Model United Nations Association of the United States of America.
Cuizon said that he chose Illinois Central College for its affordability and the speech and debate scholarship he received. Born and raised in Peoria, Cuizon said that he may leave it for future education. Cuizon added, “Without pain there is no progress.”
Cuizon recently received the award for Illinois Central College Officer of the Year.
In one of the events of FASCI, I met Al Cuizon, Jr. I enjoyed talking with him. His energy, goal-orientedness, and zealousness were loud and speak volumes about his character. He carried himself with confidence, in speech and dressing-up. He was respectful and carrying his Filipino culture of giving honor and respect to older individuals.
I am also a Filipino- American and I am honored and proud to have Al Cuizon, Jr, as a “kabayan”, which means from the same country, Philippines. Al has a brilliant future ahead of him, which as I remember him, I will be supporting him in prayers.