Softball PINK game to support player’s mom

EAST PEORIA — On Wednesday, ICC Softball (18-14) will host Parkland (17-19) in their annual Pink Game, which fundraises for cancer patients. This year the Cougars will be supporting one of their own. Sophomore Paige Korten’s mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in August 2014.
The sophomore from Pocatello, Idaho has been away from her mother for the majority of the time since the diagnosis.
“It was really hard for me to try and think that I would be this far away from her while she was going through all that,” Korten said. “There were a couple of times I said, ‘I’m coming home, Mom.’”
Paige’s mother, Lupe Korten, would encourage her to remain at ICC and finish school.
“She told me ‘don’t stress about it, I’m going to beat it and get through it and you’re going to finish school and play softball.’” Paige Korten said.
“I had to put my trust in my mom and people back home to take care of her,” Korten said. “I’m kind of a caretaker, so it was really hard for me to trust other people with her.”
With the help of the ICC coaches, staff and teammates, Korten has been able to focus on school and softball.

“I don’t think I could’ve gotten through it without my teammates being there for me everyday,” Korten said. “(Teammates) Juell Hodges and Heather Morris have really been helpful in some hard times. A couple times I would break down and they would be there for me.”
Coach Doty feels that the team always supports their own like “one big family.” And Doty feels that Korten would do the same for her teammates.
“If there is someone that needs help with something, (Paige) is going to be the one to help and encourage them,” Doty said.
Lupe Korten’s last chemotherapy is scheduled for Wednesday as well. After which a few tests will be run to ensure the cancer was successfully removed.
While Lupe Korten hasn’t been able to make it to Illinois to watch Paige play, she has been able to occasionally watch games online.
If you want to help the Korten family by purchasing a T-shirt, contact any member of the softball team or contact coach Doty in the ICC CougarPlex by calling (309) 694-5426. The T-shirts are $12 and are the same ones that ICC will be wearing when they take on Parkland. The DH is scheduled for a first pitch at 3 p.m.
Great read!