SGA Reforms and Engages

EAST PEORIA — The Student Government Association (SGA) here at Illinois Central College is looking to expand its influence this year by focusing in on membership, and digging deep into its agenda.
According to Trevor Mileur, Student Trustee on the ICC Board of Trustees and an Executive Officer of SGA, student involvement is the first priority.
“We have the framework down, the by-laws set, [and now] we need people to fill those positions,” Mileur explained.
SGA is a student-run, government organization that is built around the concerns of the students of ICC. If any student has a problem that they wish to convey, they can reach out to any member of the SGA, and the problem can make its way up to the administration of the school.
It’s a practical system on paper, but, in recent years, it hasn’t been implemented to it’s fullest extent.
“SGA, a year ago, was a great idea,” Mileur joked. “It was always there, but actually having people to fill the positions was never there.”
That is where SGA President Shawn Scott sees the change.
“It feels like we have gained a lot of momentum from the beginning,” Scott says. “Implementing senators this semester where we didn’t have them last semester, getting people actively engaged in their roles, having weekly meetings–It’s just been great to see this grow.”
Along with filling the framework that has been set out, SGA wants to be known for being a strong group that can help the students.
“I started thinking more along the lines of, ‘What can I do to help students in this school?’ and that is what SGA is directly related to, working towards the students and [the] issues,” Scott explains.
SGA Secretary Raymond Holloway see this momentum as an opportunity for students to get involved.
“We want to get more students involved,” Holloway explains. “We want more students to get out of their shell, and do different activities.”
“This next semester and spring semester will be about student government activities, and making ourselves known that we are here, available, not just as an organization, but for the students,” Mileur describes. “Within the next year, we want to capture the attention of other students on campus.”
Senatorial elections have already been held for this term, which lasts until the end of the spring semester. If you still want to get involved, stop by the office in 305B for more information.