Multi-Event Show a Variety of Fun

Photo Courtesy CULLEN STONE
EAST PEORIA — On March 5, 2014, the Illinois Central College Studio hosted Roy Johnson’s first “multi-event show.” The free event was open to the public, showcasing breakdancing, art and fashion. Donations were taken and given to fund tornado relief in nearby Washington, Ill.
The event was conceived and hosted by ICC student Roy Johnson. “I wanted to bring something different,” he said to his crowd of about thirty, “I wanted to expand my mind as much as possible.”
Instead of simply displaying one form of his art, Johnson decided to showcase all he has to offer, creating his and ICC’s first “multi-event” show. Creating all the art and even hand-painting the dresses used for the fashion show, Johnson is credited for every work displayed. “It’s not good to just be an artist.” he said, “Challenge yourself.”
Johnson’s displayed art featured airbrush-looking portraits of animals and abstract landscapes. He also included recent works of pencil sketches with a theme of military loss. “I have no idea; I’ve never been in the military,” said Johnson, “but that doesn’t mean I can’t try to convey their emotions.” Three of his original works were raffled and given to winning guests.
The fashion show, including five of Johnson’s female ICC acquaintances, featured hand-painted dresses done by Johnson himself. “I’ve only been airbrushing for a month,” explained Johnson, “but again, I just want to try everything.” The models showcased their dresses in between breakdancing sessions from Roy Johnson and guest Trevor Milleur.
The show flowed and entertained well. Johnson cites “his lord and savior Jesus Christ” as the reason for the event, thanking him for the inspiration to create and share art with his fellow ICC students.
Read more about Roy Johnson in “Breaking with Jesus,” which can be found at in the Feature section.