Introducing 2.0

EAST PEORIA — For the first time since first going online about a decade ago, ICC is modernizing its internet presence with a whole new website that will be better tailored to both students and employees.
The new website will still have the Web address but will have been made completely from scratch according to ICC’s Web Services.
Last semester, ICC invited people to submit comments or suggestions regarding its website.
Todd Irions, manager of web services at ICC, said the comments reaffirmed their concerns about the site seeming cluttered.
The new site will have an entirely different layout. The front page will no longer be the information hub that it is now. Instead, the site will focus on subsections for different groups, like students, faculty, and alumni.
One web services employee said that the design process for the new site has taken more than a year.
When Irions was asked exactly how long it has taken, he simply said, “Too long.”
ICC is modeling the new site off of what other colleges have. That way, other collegiate websites will seem familiar to transferring ICC students.
“So the idea is that it’s kind of seamless [for students],” said Irions.
Irions said that the college hopes to give students a preview of the new website before the end of the spring semester, and then the new site will officially replace the old one on July 1 if everything goes as planned.