ICC Women’s Softball Hosts RedCross Blood Drive

February 10, 2016.

The women’s softball team at ICC hosted the first of 3 blood drives that they are in charge of this year. A fourth one is hosted by the women’s soccer team later in the year. Coach Heather Doty said “This is our 7th year hosting the blood drive here at ICC. We wanted to find a way to perform a community service that gives back to many.”

Students waited patiently for their turn to donate, the overall theme, “I want to give back.” ICC student Regina Backirdam stated, “20 years ago I received a life saving blood transfusion. Since then I’ve tried to pay it forward by participating in regular blood drives.” Student Kaleb Wagenbach stated, “Where there is a need, I try to do my part. I see it as helping the world, one bag of blood at a time,”, while student Caitlen Lewellyn said “I just want to help. This is something I have done for years.”

The blood drive ran till 2 p.m. today with a future one being planned for later in July.

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