ICC Motorcycle Safety Foundation Course

Mark Nycz, Harbinger
Thursday, June 18,2015
The Illinois Central College East Peoria Campus roared to life Tuesday, June 9, 2015 with the sound of the Motorcycle Safety Foundation class.
The class is made up of students from all walks of life, some older and others newly graduated from high school. They have all come for the same goal of learning to ride motorcycles.
Rain or shine, these students are out learning the ins and outs of motorcycle riding.
The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) course is created for individuals who have little to no motorcycle riding experience.
Students begin in the classroom, but also receive hands on learning to ensure their understanding and success in the course.
Instructors, such as Ed West, veteran rider of 46 years, teach the basic techniques of motorcycle riding. Students are trained on proper boarding and riding of their motorcycles.
Reasons for joining this class vary from student to student. While some join for a less expensive commute, other students, like ICC student Rick Bradford, ride because it’s part of their family.
When not taking the MSF class, Bradford studies fitness and dietetic technology in the ICC Dietetic Program. He says that riding has been a part of his family for generations and he plans to ride his new V-star alongside his dad.
The MSF program at ICC is part of the Motorcycle Rider Program run by the University of Illinois. Anyone looking to learn more about this program or interested in taking a class can visit their website: http://www.mrp.uiuc.edu/h.
I want to take a motorcycle training course so I can learn the ins and outs about riding and get my license.