ICC Library Raises Awareness for Banned Books Across America

The ICC library is currently hosting an event called “Banned Books Week” to share information about the censorship happening in libraries across the United States.

Two tables were set up in the front of the library for passersby to see. One table had several books that were banned in other libraries and a list of the 100 most frequently challenged books from 2010-2019. This list included “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, “Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank, and “Heather Has Two Mommies” by Lesléa Newman.

The other table had two displays of information about how books are banned, who bans these books, and the evidence showing how censorship is on the rise. This table also had stickers related to reading and supplies to make buttons.

Buttons, stickers, and information about banned books week in the library

The event was organized by Devon Blumenshine with the goal of raising awareness about the censorship of books, how this censorship is rising, and how it impacts vulnerable groups.

“We’ve gotten a lot of questions about the books,” Kit Hartman, an ICC librarian, says. “Some people have mentioned, ‘Well, I can’t get this [book] now, but I’m going to come back.’ A lot of people were surprised about certain titles that were on the list.”

If you are interested in learning more about censorship or supporting authors who face censorship, check out the American Library Association’s webpage about this topic.

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