Flashback in time for the Man In Black

EAST PEORIA — If Friday night was any indication for the audience at Illinois Central College, it was literally a flashback in time of getting a chance to experience one of America’s most beloved musician.
On March 20, ICC presented its Guest Artist Series “The Johnny Cash Experience,” a tribute act at the Performing Arts Center with a sold out crowd. It was performed by Philip Bauer, who dressed, performed and even sang like the real Man in Black, Johnny Cash.
“It was like reliving in the moment,” said Jane Buckman, of Peoria, about the show. “I got to see the real Johnny Cash back in the 70’s and, watching [Bauer], he was close to the real deal.”
Thoughtout the show, Bauer performed some of the classic songs from “Folsom Prison Blues,” “Kate,” “I Walk the Line,” and, yes, even “The Man in Black.” But it was when he performed “A Boy Name Sue” that had everyone excited, as he not only performed it but had the audience yell out the verse as well.
“That had to be my favorite performance,” said Frank Johnson, 56, of East Peoria. “That’s literally my favorite song of all time of his.”
Bauer also told some short, humorist stories when he introduced what song he was going to play. At the end, he performed “Ragged Old Flag” for the veterans that were in the audience.
“I thought the show was amazing,” said Johnson. “He literally had the real Cash down — from the look to the voice and even his performance stance.”