Dental Hygiene Program Making X-Rays Safer
Justin Brown, Harbinger
Monday, Nov. 30, 2015
Having a dental x-ray taken may become a safer experience thanks to new training capabilities at the Downtown Campus.
The Illinois Central College Dental Hygiene program recently received a grant in the amount of $10,000 from the Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation Board of Directors. The grant will allow the college to purchase a new state-of-the-art PAN DXTTR or Panoramic Dental X-Ray Trainer. The 5-foot-tall mannequin will allow students to conduct actual x-rays during their training.
Dental hygienists are trained to clean a patient’s teeth and assist dentists during surgeries, but, according to Program Director Cathleen Korondi, they also take panoramic x-rays, called panorex, “usually, when you have to have wisdom teeth pulled.”

“We can actually wheel this (Mannequin) to our panoramic machine and the students can learn how to take a panorex on a mannequin before they take one on a human being,” Korondi said. “We walk them through the process, but to have a practicing mannequin as your first experience is a whole lot better than a human being.”
The machine has the ability to make students more confident when taking x-rays on real-life patients. Before the machine, students would take their first x-ray once they were in their job and risked having to retake an x-ray and expose unnecessary radiation to patients. The thought of exposing their patients to unnecessary radiation can weigh heavy on students of the program.
“You want to reduce the amount of radiation that a patient is getting anytime,” Korondi said. “We have a need for panorex; to take it once and be proficient is what we are striving for. If you can do it one time, the first time, it builds your confidence and the confidence of the school.”
According to the ICC website, enrollment into the program is capped at 24 students. The program’s dental hygiene clinic also serves the general public with services like teeth cleanings and x-rays for a flat rate of $20.
Student wishing to inquire into the program or those wanting to schedule a cleaning can call ICC Health Careers at (309) 999-4616.
Cover Photo by Justin Brown: An older model DXXTR mannequin limits use to the sitting position.