Criminal Justice Professor Goes the Extra Mile for Hands-On Learning
Rachael Hirstein
October 14, 2021

In the early 2010s, Dr. Anthony White, Criminal Justice Professor at ICC, and Peoria County Sheriff Brian Asbell came together with the Sheriff Advisory Board to provide correctional facility tours.
This board gave students in any of Dr. White’s classes, online and in-person, the chance to take tours through both the Peoria County Jail and the Peoria County Juvenile Detention Center.
Sheriff Asbell and his deputies led these tours. Groups of 50-70 students were allowed the opportunity to have firsthand experience of how correctional facilities operate.
“These tours are a boon. Confirm what you know with experience,”
Dr. White explained.
These tours have greatly benefitted past students by helping them go further in their education and careers paths.
Dr. White spoke about many of his past students’ achievements, “I have past students that work for the federal police, for Homeland Security on the Texas border, and for Peoria County.”

Unfortunately, COVID has resulted in the cancellation of these tours until further notice.
Dr. White, Sheriff Asbell, and the staff of both correctional facilities are dedicated to maintaining the safety and health of the students, staff, and incarcerated people.
There are still great opportunities happening in place of this loss. Dr. White invites Sheriff Asbell and his officers to his classes and provides Zoom sessions with guest speakers.
Dr. White is passionate about ensuring his students have the experience and exposure they need to achieve their career goals.
He and Sheriff Asbell hope to revive the tours in the future as they continue to work hard to provide meaningful opportunities to ICC’s criminal justice students.