By David Prim
May 9th, 2019 – The founder of the Weather Channel John Coleman, with over 31,000 scientists have made a stand against one the biggest hoaxes for power facing Americans when coming to the politicized climate change topic. This was addressed in February of 2018 when Mr. Coleman went on CNN for an interview.
John Coleman, went on CNN to set the record straight on this issue saying Mr. Kenny who is the CEO of the Weather Channel and not the co-founder and never was as he had previously falsely claimed to be, is not even a scientist.
Coleman accuses CNN of sensationalizing the issue and says global, man-made climate change is about votes not facts. And that this climate change is NOT real.

The government scientists who claim this is a real threat do not have the support of the scientific community whatsoever. The statements made by these politicized government scientists have had a serious negative impact on our culture. According to Coleman, “A great scientist named Roger Revelle theorized about carbon dioxide being a significant greenhouse gas in a 1957 research paper. He then lectured about this paper to his class at Harvard University in 1962. A student in that class named Al Gore adopted the theory as his “cause”. He wrote a book about it and used it to win an election to become a Democrat United States Senator from Tennessee. In the Senate he helped to establish Federal Government funding for global warming research grants. Gore wrote a second book on the topic “An Inconvenient Truth” and worked with Hollywood supporters to turn that book into a movie.” Sadly, a Nobel Peace Prize was even awarded for this fabricated work.
I think we can see where this is going. And we must challenge our cultural intellect by interrogating those in power that are making these uneducated decisions for every person in the world. And put an end to tyranny of science. Just because the government paid scientists said so, does NOT make it true. But truthful facts are rare on news networks, let alone real science.
If we let this 97% of government paid spokesmen (scientists) decide what is right when it is fabricated for personal gain in the political arena, what else have we been fooled and lied to about? (I will expose several more in the fall semester.)
As i watch the seditious coverage of MSM news networks like CNN providing fabricated information to Americans about climate change, it seems all to easy for them to tell a lie about everything else.
Currently we can see the attacks on the American Presidency, which symbolically represents we the people. This is not the position American educational institutions should be supporting or exposing students too as it goes against our sovereignty. Ad our moral fabric as a free people. How can a college community function intellectually when propaganda such as that produced by CNN is aired on campuses including our own campus on a daily basis?
The amount of hate and anxiety these outlets produce every moment it is on the air, accumulative trauma is the result for thousands of students by forcing this propaganda. How is it even an ethical choice to air such KNOWINGLY fabricated and sensationalized commentary for young minds to be distracted by the very hate we are to protect them from?
This does appear on the surface at least to be seditious by at least this one specific opinion outlet labeled as a news network. And this channel must be removed from the campus televisions.
CNN is fueling division in our culture and partly responsible for some of the bloat colleges face because of the out of control diversity movement that is outside the common sense values that built America. In all fairness, the Council on Foreign Relations has always been the controlling faction of the MSM and a CIA operation that has infiltrated our democracy by inundating into our educational and justice institutions.
“The man who reads nothing at all is better educated than the man who reads nothing but newspapers.”
― Thomas Jefferson