National Codes
EAST PEORIA — Illinois Central College doesn’t anticipate quiet summers. Facility renovation, athletics, and the multitude of summer courses are few of many things going on in the interim of… Continue reading "National Codes"
EAST PEORIA — Illinois Central College doesn’t anticipate quiet summers. Facility renovation, athletics, and the multitude of summer courses are few of many things going on in the interim of… Continue reading "National Codes"
EAST PEORIA — On Wednesday, May 7th, 2014, the ICC Campus Activities Board hosted its annual ICC’s Got Talent! show. Approaching the end of the semester, the show is part… Continue reading "ICC’s Got Talent! a Hit on Campus"
EAST PEORIA — On theweekofApril21st- April 25th the ICC Arts and Communication Department hosted Arts Week, its annual week- long showcasing of art demonstrations, exhibits and performances. All over the… Continue reading "Arts Week 2014 Makes a Canvas out of Campus"
EAST PEORIA — On display for the first time during Arts Week this April, the 131D student art gallery is currently showing a collection of the best works by ICC… Continue reading "Excellent End to Year of Student Art"
As stated in “No Smoking on Campus, Period,” both the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives passed the Illinois General Assembly’s Smoke-Free Campus Act, which will make it illegal to… Continue reading "OPINION: Butting in on Potential Smoking Ban for ICC"
PEORIA — In Peoria and every place with citizens of many backgrounds, a “feeling of fellowship” to others can be easily lost or never found. It is important though to… Continue reading "Vital Sense of Community Through Legacy of Ex-Mayor"
“The unexamined life is not worth living” said Aristotle. Ed Abplanalp, a living philosopher, displays these words on the homepage of his personal website, So. Let’s examine his life.… Continue reading "Teacher Feature: ED ABPLANALP"
EAST PEORIA — The Illinois Central College Speech Team recently closed out one of the best seasons in the last two decades. This year was historic for the team, as they… Continue reading "An “Open” Season for the ICC Speech Team"
EAST PEORIA — Visual art, elaborate and expressive, can sometimes be excessive. Be it too much color, too many things going on, too much being said…pieces often lose allure by having… Continue reading "Short and Sweet"
EAST PEORIA — On March 5, 2014, the Illinois Central College Studio hosted Roy Johnson’s first “multi-event show.” The free event was open to the public, showcasing breakdancing, art and… Continue reading "Multi-Event Show a Variety of Fun"