All Hands in for a Mid-West Athletic Conference Title
EAST PEORIA — There is no other sport setting that presents such an indescribable energy like the one experienced at baseball game. The comfortable shirt and shorts type of weather, the aroma of the ballpark hot dogs and the smell of the freshly cut outfield grass. Fans all around the country can’t await the arrival of spring time, but that anxiety is released by the long anticipated vibrant sound from the umpire shouting, “Play ball”. The pitcher takes his sign, comes set and winds up, ready to throw the first pitch of opening day. That’s right Cougar fans, Spring is back, bringing with it a new season for Coach Brett Kelly and the Illinois Central College baseball team.

Coming off a record-breaking 2013 season with 38 total wins shattering the previous held record of 33 held by Kelley’s 2005 squad. Yet even with those record-breaking victories, the Cougars still fell short of a Mid-West Athletic Conference Title by finishing third with a 20-10 conference record. Leaving Kelley unsatisfied, this encouraged him to hit the recruiting hard in the off-season acquiring many players from the hyped-up 2013 high school class. The Cougars roster loaded up with 21 young talented freshmen and only 12 returning sophomores.
Only one of those returning sophomores Matt Farrington, was apart of the Cougar’s 2013 pitching rotation. Farrington’s consistent movement with every pitch allowed him to boast a 3.75 ERA and an impressive 5-3 record. Although the squad may lack the experience of other teams they make up for it with speed and athleticism, offensively and defensively.
After multiple cancellations due to the Antarctica-type weather this winter in Illinois, the Cougars traveled south for a six-game road trip against Mississippi opponents beginning with an opening day doubleheader against Mississippi Gulf Coast on March 7. Unfortunately, the Cougars left Mississippi with an unsatisfactory record of 2-4 as they were swept by Mississippi Gulf Coast and Jones County Community College, but did manage to sweep Pearl River Community College.
Next stop for the Cougars was a three-day six-game series against Baton Rouge Community College March 14-16. The Cougars came out flat the first two games against Baton Rouge, as they were defeated 1-5 and 5-7. However the Cougars dusted it off and easily avenged Baton Rouge the following day 7-3 and 8-0. But on the final day of the road-trip Baton Rouge protected their home field and defeated the Cougars in both games 4-6 and 6-8.
Despite the lingering cold weather still adamant on March 22, the long awaited home opener with a doubleheader against Western Tech was given the go ahead to play. Home field advantage for the Cougars was made clear in both games, as the Cougars pick up two desperately needed victories.
It may only be the end of March, but Coach Kelly nor did the loyal Cougar fans foresee a 6-8 start for a team with such high expectations. But it is much too early in the season for this talented ball team to get discouraged; baseball is a very mental and strategical game. Just like a chess match, the Cougars must forget their previous moves and focus on making one move at a time. If the Cougars can execute these moves and stay mentally focused along the way, who knows how deep into the season this team can go.
“Last year was special, no doubt,” Kelley said. “It takes a special group of kids, a special kind of chemistry, to have the year that we had. But now we’ve got to focus on 2014 and the one thing we’re stressing is there’s no going backwards. We expect to keep improving and it’s our goal to make the NJCAA Division II World Series.”