A New Take on Weapons

EAST PEORIA ― On Jan. 16, the Illinois Central College Board of Trustees officially adopted a new policy that outlined how “weapons” would be regulated on ICC property. This update to ICC’s policies was in reaction to the passage of the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act last July.
The previous policy for “weapons on campus” that ICC operated by was about half of a page in length while the new policy is slightly more than two. Much of this addition involved specifying what and where ICC property was, what was considered a “weapon” and who could carry a “weapon” on campus.
Overall, the policy states that weapons are not allowed on ICC property, but here are some details about the new content in the Weapons on Campus and Firearm Concealed Carry Policy:
What is a “weapon?”
Any sort of projectile weapon, such as a pistol, paintball gun, BB gun, flare gun, Taser or bow, whether loaded or unloaded. Replicas of projectile weapons are also treated as weapons due to their appearance.
A knife or blade is considered a weapon if it has a blade that is more than three inches long or always exposed.
Any explosive devises, like firecrackers, are consider weapons.
What areas are covered by the policy?
ICC property is defined as any area, building or vehicle that ICC owns or from which ICC operates.
When are weapons allowed?
When they are a required part of an ICC-sponsored event, class or activity, or when the ICC police chief specifically gives approval.
What happens if you bring a weapon on campus without approval?
If you are a student, you can be expelled from ICC.
If you are an employee, you can be fired.
If you are an individual, you can be prosecuted.
The ICC Police Department enforces the new policy.
Who has to follow the policy?
Any individual, even those with an Illinois concealed carry license, on ICC property must follow the policy except in the following cases.
Individuals are allowed to have weapons inside their personal vehicles while on ICC property as long as they are unloaded and secured in a container.
Law enforcement personnel who have business at ICC, are taking classes, or are required to carry their weapon by their employer are allowed to carry their weapons.
Retired law enforcement personnel who have maintained proper weapons training and are in compliance with all government laws may carry their weapon.