ICC Adds Eight New Certificate Programs

EAST PEORIA — “One of the plights of a community college,” says Illinois Central College graphic arts instructor John Baggett, “is we have really low completion rates. People come, take two classes and then might go to another college… That makes us look like our programs are not performing very well.”

In solution to this concern, the ICC Board of Trustees has motioned to approve interest specific certificates that will be more accessible for students with busy lifestyles and direct interests. Certificates now available include Page Layout, Print, Digital Imaging, Multimedia, Fire Science Technology, Digital Publishing-iMedia, Law Enforcement and Graphic Design.

Students pursuing a degree in Graphic Communications or a higher certificate in Digital Publishing can make special use of the certificates. As they stack credentials, students are able to showcase their skills in different areas.

Baggett agrees, “As you go, if you want to grab a job doing photography while you’re in the process of getting a degree, you have a certificate that says, ‘Hey! I really know how to use photoshop!’ and ‘Hey! I understand how to use a digital camera for doing image capture.’”

About half of the certificates are obtainable in one semester, while others take about year, says Baggett. There are no entry requirements for the certificate programs.

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